The King's Moving Blog

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a New Home

Building a new home is both exciting and overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. There’s so much to do, so many things could go wrong. You will need to decide on the lot. Figure out the style, exterior, and interior finishes, and the number of rooms in your new

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How to Relocate Your Senior Parents

Your parents may need to leave their home for different living arrangements as they age. This is not an easy process and parents may be reluctant to move. There are steps you can take to ease the process. Omaha senior movers can take care of your parents’ belongings and ensure

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Rescuing Furniture From Flood Water

Flooding can be a nightmare. Natural events or water in your home can cause flooding. Natural events include heavy rainfall, coastal storm surge or rising rivers. Flooding can occur if water pipes break inside your home. Regardless of the reason, serious water damage can happen. Floods can damage your home

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3 Simple Tricks to Keep Your Pets Calm During a Move

Moving is always a time of high stress. Not only are sweeping changes coming to your life, but there’s so much to do – often with too little time – and things can go from smooth to disaster in a moment. As bad as it is for people, it’s worse

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Decluttering Before a Move

Clearing out your home before a move can be taxing, especially if you haven’t kept on top of those overflowing closets. Even if you are a packrat at heart, you can make moving easier if you cut some clutter. A reliable Omaha moving company can help you pack and move

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Remember the Milk When You Move

What to do with perishable items before a move If you’re moving soon, you’re probably looking for an Omaha Moving Company. You’ve packed up the china. You’re worrying about the piano. Often, it’s when your move is right around the corner that you remember your food items. The perishable items

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How to Properly Pack Electronics

Pack Your Electronics for a Safe and Happy Move Your electronic items are often your most valuable possessions other than your home and car. How can you pack these items so that they’ll be ready to go in your new home? Read the Manual Aren’t sure how to pack your

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Time Saving Tips for Packing

Packing a house or apartment for a move can be time-consuming and stressful. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to make the process run smoothly. With some planning and the help of a quality Omaha moving company, you can have your belongings ready to go on moving day.

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